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The size of the racks is directly connected to the size of the container neck. Racks can be single or double level, depending on the dimentions of the container and the cryoboxes in it.

06.05.01915 Levels  82x64mmYDS 47-127 R
06.05.01945 Levels 82x64mm – centralYDS 47-127 R
06.05.01925 Levels 142×144YDS 65-216 R
06.05.01937 Levels 142×144YDS 120-216 R
YDS 175-216 R
06.05.0196Cryobox 76×76 for Rack 82×84YDS 47-127 R
06.05.0197Cryobox 134×134 for Rack 142×144YDS 65-216 R
YDS 120-216 R
YDS 175-216 R